5 ways to improve your life, right now.

#1 Start watching Jane the Virgin

I’m serious. I know it’s totally made up, but Jane makes me want to be a better person. She’s honest, loving and positive. She tackles situations head on and puts her family first every time. Plus, she’s just so damn cute!

friends, girl, and beach image

#2 Speak to more people

People are amazing. Ask questions, be interested, be interesting, share stories, be silly and serious and everything in between. The best cure for any problem is to talk it through and even when you think there’s nobody to talk to there always is. Type your interests into the search bar on Facebook, join groups and chat to people in there. Some of the nicest people in the world, you’ve never met yet. I love that idea. The people you meet through life circumstances aren’t always going to be the ones you get along with best. Open yourself up to meeting more people – but be careful, of course.

morning, coffee, and good morning image

#3 Do early nights and early mornings

This might be a personal preference, but I’m not much of a night owl. I’m incredibly productive first thing in the morning, and I tend to find lie in’s lead to days where I do nothing. I always say, the first hour of your day will determine how the rest of it goes. For me, that’s so true. I like to get up early, have a shower and tick as many jobs off my list as possible before lunch. In the evening I prefer to wind down and go to bed feeling calm and prepared for the next day. I often have a bath and listen to an audiobook at around 9pm so I’m relaxed and fall to sleep easily. Kitty cuddles are, of course, essential before bed too.

say yes to new adventures

#4 Invest in yourself & say YES more

I find it fascinating to think about the ways we invest our time and money. So often we’re happy to pay to go to the salon, or buy nice things to make our homes look pretty. We invest in ourselves physically, paying to enhance our appearance, and we invest in improving the look of our lives from the outside. But we forget to invest in ourselves, mentally. How often do you buy a self-development book or pay to take a course that will teach you new things? When was the last time you spent time really trying to figure out what makes a good person? When I’m no longer here, I don’t want people to say, ‘She had really great hair’, or ‘Her living room was always immaculate.’ I want people to say, ‘Wow, she was a really positive person. She made me feel good.’ Invest time; consciously teach yourself to become the person you want to be.

summer, girl, and smile image

#5 Be someone that makes everyone feel special

Do you know someone that you love spending time with? What is it about that person that makes them so nice to be around? Do they make you laugh? Compliment you? Encourage your goals and wishes?

How do people feel when they’re around you?

I’ve started making a very conscious effort lately to make people feel good. It’s really not very difficult. Instead of just thinking, ‘Her skin is looking really great,’ I say it! I take an interest in what people are doing, I congratulate them on small things. And you know what? It’s fun! When you see someone today, challenge yourself to make them smile. Say something nice. Positivity is infectious and you’ll feel great yourself for doing it. Become known in your friendships and families as a really happy, positive person.


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